LPA Architectes offers renovation services for existing buildings, such as restoration or restructuring works. We also provide solutions optimizing sustainable energy consumption and the use of space. Our agency has 25 years of experience in buildings renovation, especially in architectural conservation areas.
Depending on the project and the client, LPA Architectes designs either conventional or modern extensions to existing buildings.
Space planning
LPA Architectes analyzes the client’s functional needs, in order to design a project that meets both its current and future requirements. Space planning consists in improving the functional use of space in commercial, industrial or office facilities. By creating well-designed working and relaxing areas, space planning improves workplace communication with innovative architecture. At LPA Architectes, we don’t only make sure your working space is functional and effective, we also pay attention to every detail of its interior design.
LPA Architectes carries out building surveys, as well as the maintenance of existing buildings. Thanks to our architects’ experience and knowledge of new construction techniques, we are able to make sure every project complies with legal requirements (health, safety, energy saving), especially in condominiums of more than 50 lots. LPA’s expertise in improving and maintaining buildings eases the decision-making process during investors and co-owners general meetings.
New buildings
LPA Architectes has achieved several ambitious projects, such as the construction of new residential or industrial buildings. Our agency has always been committed to energy saving, and aims at using the best sustainable practices for each project.
Construction within occupied buildings
Any construction project within an occupied building requires early and effective project planning. Before starting any construction work, LPA Architectes consults and informs the building’s occupants, and performs a detailed examination of the site characteristics. Our architects’ experience and know-how are a guarantee for clients that their projects will be completed on budget and on time.
Interior design
LPA Architectes has a long experience in interior design, for houses and offices. Our agency is able to design inventive projects in accordance with the client’s requirements, personality and budget, always paying attention to every detail. LPA Architectes has worked with famous interior designers such as J. Garcia, B. Moinard, O. Dwek and Ch. Tassin.
Depending on the project, LPA Architectes provides clients with its expertise in the choice and arrangement of furniture. We apply the finishing touch to each architectural project, and make sure every detail suits the client’s requirements.